“Citizen Engagement with 25 Year Plan for the Environment ”
“DEFRA Citizen Engagement ”
“WhaleFest 2015”
“Future of Our Seas project”
“Training 2020”
“Educational video collaborator”
“DEFRA Citizen Engagement 2019-20”
“Steppes Beyond at The Royal Geographical Society”
“Future of Our Seas project”
“DEFRA Citizen Engagement on 25 Year Plan for the Environment, plus Communicate Conference”
“filming partner”
“WhaleFest 2012”
“Edinburgh 2019”
“2017 and 2021 ”
“Grant funders”
“Festival 2019”
“Telegraph Outdoor Show, London ExCel”
“WhaleFest 2011-2015”
“Plymouth, Future of Our Seas project ”
“WhaleFest 2014 & 2015”
“British Science Week 2021”
“Plymouth, Future of Our Seas and DEFRA Citizen Engagement”
“WhaleFest 2011”
“Future of Our Seas project”
“WhaleFest 2014”
“invited environment issues exhibitor”
“Founding member 2020”
“Future of Our Seas project, DEFRA Citizen Engagement”
“Events partner”
“Grant funder”
“Plymouth, Future of Our Seas project”
“WhaleFest 2014”
“Events sponsor - WhaleFest 2015 and Telegraph Outdoor Show 2016”
“Conference partner 2018”
“British Science Week”
“WhaleFest 2015”
“Future of Our Seas project”
“Future of Our Seas project”
“Events partner”
“WhaleFest 2014 & 2015”
“WhaleFest 2012 and Telegraph Outdoor Show”
“supporter of education work”
“Partner and member ”
“Grant funder”
“We should all be taught to respect and value our precious marine worlds and what better place to start that appreciation than at school level with Incredible Oceans.”
TV Presenter
“Grant funder”
“Founding partner 2013”
“Grant funder 2019”
“regular event partner”